Also a nice cameo of Han solo and chewie. " I you like zombie books and you like star wars, this is the book for you. It was fun, it kept me wrapped up, there were scene of wonderful gruesomeness and zombie violence, and when you finally add back in the fact that it happened in the Star Wars universe with two of my favorite SW characters.You can't go wrong. Regardless, I feel silly dissecting a zombie story.

Two points of contention: (and I write this in the knowledge that I am meeting Joe in 2 weeks) one, that the ship that the characters are aboard is MASSIVE yet the action takes place in all of three places, which leads into point two, that characters that have been zombified happen to stumble back upon their loved ones/enemies which is highly unlikely considering the size of the vessel (both of them) and the quantity of zombies. The characters were solid and engaging with just enough back story to make them real. Schreiber plays with the bio-warfare/ hive mentality aspects of zombie-ism. So with that in mind, this is a fun, new "zombies in space" story. I would have ignored it had it not been written by Joe Schreiber. " Let's ignore, for the moment, that this is a Star Wars novel. Low expectations rarely lead to large disappointments.

Don't try to find any literary significance to it and just try to enjoy the ride. " It is what it is: zombies plus star wars - a quick and fun read but total mindless.